about me

Hey! I'm Waffiq Aziz,
an Android Developer

I'm an Android Developer focuses on Kotlin, and technology enthusiast. Love tidy and structured code.

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What can I do?

I am an Android developer passionate about building scalable, impactful mobile applications. Skilled in API integration with Retrofit, modern UI/UX design, and leveraging Jetpack libraries. My expertise includes modular design, dependency injection (Koin, Hilt, Dagger), and CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions and CircleCI. Experienced made an efficient apps with ProGuard and DataStore, ensuring top performance from concept to Play Store deployment.


Bangkit 2022 : Mobile Development (2022)

Learn android starting design UI and development using Kotlin. Develop and train soft skills with instructors from industry. Validate lessons learned by addressing real-world problems through a capstone project.