about me

Hey! I'm Waffiq Aziz,
an Android Developer

I'm an Android Developer focuses on Kotlin, and technology enthusiast. Love tidy and structured code.

What can I do?

I'm an experienced Android developer skilled in API integration, UI/UX design, and app deployment. I've developed applications using Retrofit, Room Database, and Android architecture components, ensuring robust functionality and clean code. With expertise in CI/CD using GitHub Actions and deployment to the Google Play Store, including DataStore implementation and ProGuard rules, I bring projects from conception to reality. Let's work together to create outstanding mobile experiences.


Bangkit 2022 : Mobile Development (2022)

Learn android starting design UI and development using Kotlin. Develop and train soft skills with instructors from industry. Validate lessons learned by addressing real-world problems through a capstone project.

My Project


UI/UX design e-commerce, spesific on mechanical keyboard. Containing unique feature to compare between switch or keycaps.


Guardian App is an android application that serves as the protection of women and children from violence. Implemented machine learning.

BAZZ Movies

BAZZ Movies is mobile app for discovering movies and TV shows. With comprehensive information, ratings, and actor details. Built with passion and using TMDB API, available exclusively on Google Play Store.

open BAZZ Movies